Natural Gas is

A resilient energy system is essential to the operation of nearly every critical function and sector of the U.S. economy.

The natural gas system's physical characteristics provide stability to the energy system.

Pipeline infrastructure is underground, looped and shielded from many major disruptive events

Much of the gas delivery system runs on its own supply

The ability to store gas further strengthens the self-reliant attributes of the gas system

During Winter Storm Heather in January 2024, U.S. natural gas consumption set a two-day record from January 14 through 15.

On the coldest day of the year, the natural gas system delivers 3X more energy than the electric system delivers on the hottest day of the year.

When They Need it Most

Delivery of natural gas continued to provide safe and reliable service to customers with few interruptions.

Energy You Can Depend On

Only 1 in 650 customers are expected to experience a planned or unplanned natural gas outage in any given year.

Electric distribution systems have an average of one outage per year per customer.

Industry Coming Together

Third-party excavation damage caused the unplanned outage of 37,000 customers of Avista Utilities in eastern Washington. Through the support of the AGA Mutual Assistance Program, all customers had their gas service restored within one week.