Family spending time together on sofa

Natural Gas

Fueling Families

Fueling America

Barista handing customer a cup of coffee

Fueling Communities

Natural Gas At A Glance


Households that use natural gas for heating, cooking and clothes drying save an average of $1,132 per year compared to homes using electricity for those applications.


America's natural gas utilities invest $33 billion each year in enhancing the safety of natural gas distribution and transmission systems.


Emissions from the natural gas distribution system have declined 70% since 1990.

1+ /minute

More than one new residential customer signs up for natural gas service every minute, and approximately 60 businesses begin new natural gas service every day.

Families Choose
Natural Gas

Consumers prefer natural gas over electric heat pumps by a ratio of 5 to 1 in moderate to cold climates.

More than 189 million Americans and 5.8 million businesses use natural gas because it is affordable, reliable, safe, and essential to improving our environment.

The American Gas Association is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through smart innovation, new and modernized infrastructure, and advanced technologies that maintain reliable, resilient, and affordable energy service choices for consumers.

Portrait of the chair of the AGA board, Jerry Norcia

A Message From the AGA

Chair of the Board

“The versatility and accessibility of natural gas safeguards it as an essential, reliable and safe energy source for the demands of today and for generations to come.”

The versatility and accessibility of natural gas safeguards it as an essential, reliable and safe energy source for the demands of today and for generations to come. The abundant supply of natural gas within our borders ensures that our industry is well positioned to independently power our country’s innovative and economic pursuits.

Lloyd Yates

Chair, American Gas Association,
NiSource Inc. President and CEO

Read Full Letter
Portrait of the chair of the AGA board, Jerry Norcia

A Message From the

AGA Chief Executive Officer

“The natural gas industry has been a leader in helping our nation advance our energy and environmental goals, delivering solutions to some of America's biggest challenges at home and abroad.”

The natural gas industry has been a leader in helping our nation advance our energy and environmental goals, delivering solutions to some of America’s biggest challenges at home and abroad. Exciting technologies like hydrogen and renewable natural gas offer new opportunities for the industry while we continue to invest in affordable and reliable natural gas. We are proud that America’s abundant natural gas and our vast delivery system provides the most affordable way for our customers to heat their homes, do their laundry and feed their families. As a result, it is no surprise that Americans with access to natural gas choose it. With the rise of new industries and technologies, America’s natural gas industry will be there every step of the way. At AGA, we are committed to fueling America as we advance toward a more secure and cleaner future.

Karen A. Harbert

President and CEO, American Gas Association

Read Full Letter

Essential Energy

Natural gas fuels critical sectors of the American economy. Eliminating natural gas would have significant impacts on businesses, customers and communities.

Natural Gas Fuels American Manufacturing

A new study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) with support from the American Gas Foundation demonstrates natural gas’ role in maintaining energy security and the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing along pathways to a low-carbon economy, especially as energy demand continues to rise.

“To effectively and successfully compete on the global economic stage when facing countries like China – and others – the U.S. must deploy all its advantages, including our energy advantage.”

Karen A. HarbertPresident and CEO, American Gas Association

Natural Gas Lowering the Cost of Medicine

At one-third the cost of electricity, natural gas helps keep America’s drug costs more affordable, ensuring that necessary prescriptions and products are accessible to those who need them most.

Critical Feedstock

Natural gas is a critical feedstock for producing active pharmaceutical ingredients as well as plastic packaging and bottles for final products.

Fueling Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities use natural gas to maintain stable heating and temperature control, a critical factor in storing pharmaceuticals.

The pharmaceutical manufacturing supply chain consumes approximately the same amount of natural gas delivered to the state of Missouri with a population of more than 6.1 million.

Natural Gas Fuels America's Healthcare

The U.S. healthcare sector consumes more than 271 billion cubic feet of natural gas, more than the annual consumption of 14 individual states.

Reliable energy

0 %

74% of U.S. hospitals use natural gas for space heating and water heating.

The Healthcare Sector in the U.S. Supports

  • 0 M Direct jobs
  • 0 M Indirect jobs
  • 0 M Induced jobs

Without Natural Gas?

Higher Costs for Patients

$0 B

The cost of mandated electrification for the healthcare sector would total $16.3 billion through 2050.

America's Hospitality Sector Depends on Natural Gas

Natural gas supports restaurants, lodging and amusement parks nationwide. The U.S. hospitality sector and its supply chain consume 387 Bcf of natural gas per year.

Natural Gas

Texas, California, and New York consume the most natural gas for the hospitality industry.

Without Natural Gas?

Higher Costs for Businesses

$ 0 B

Mandated electrification in the hospitality sector would result in increased fuel expenditures of $23.2 billion through 2050, threatening an industry that supports 16.9 percent of all U.S. jobs.

Natural Gas Growing, Fertilizing, Feeding

The availability of affordable natural gas — an important feedstock for many key agricultural inputs — has directly benefited the U.S. agriculture sector. Those benefits extend to farms, ranches and beyond through jobs and tax revenue.

Benefits Through Jobs

0 M Direct U.S. Agriculture Jobs

Benefits through tax revenue

$0 B in federal, state and local tax revenues

The U.S. agriculture sector and its suppliers make up almost 15% of all U.S. commercial and industrial consumption, making it one of the largest consumers of natural gas.

Without Natural Gas?

Natural gas helps the U.S. economy produce agrochemicals like fertilizer, which increases crop yields. The agriculture sector would be in a precarious position if it were to lose access to natural gas.

The Benefits of the
Gas System

  • Affordable

    American Families Use Natural Gas Because it is Affordable

    Households that use natural gas for heating, cooking and clothes drying save an average of $1,132 per year compared to homes using electricity for those applications.

    Get the Facts on Affordability
  • Reliable

    Natural Gas is There When You Need it Most

    Through natural disasters and extreme weather events, the industry’s underground delivery system provides reliable energy Americans can count on.

    Get the Facts on Reliability
  • Safe

    Safety is Our Top Priority

    America’s natural gas utilities invest $33 billion each year in enhancing the safety of natural gas distribution and transmission systems.

    Get the Facts on Safety
  • Environment

    Proven Emissions Reduction Track Record

    Natural gas utilities are cutting emissions from their operations, helping customers shrink their carbon footprints and working with other industries to reduce their environmental impact.

    Get the Facts on Environment
  • Innovative

    Ambitious Innovation Agenda

    The promise to integrate high-value energy sources, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen, is a critical component of our nation's ability to reach ambitious greenhouse gas reduction goals.

    Get the Facts on Innovation